Sunday, November 11, 2018

Prayer as We Gather

God of constant renewal, we lean heavily just now upon your ancient, faithful way -  restoring life and sustaining us as the years accumulate. In this holy hour, deal with us as you dealt with Naomi, renewing her hope in the future and surrounding her with those whose loyalty and care never wavered. Amen.*            

Call to Worship                                                                                                        

Unless it is the Lord who builds the house,

The builders’ work is pointless.

Unless it is the Lord who protects the city,

The guard on duty is pointless.

It is pointless that you get up early and stay up late in hard labor,

Because God gives sleep to those God loves.         - Psalm 127, Common English Bible

Morning Prayer                                                                                                   

How comforting, Lord, to know that this very minute as we join our sisters and brothers in prayer, Jesus our advocate is appearing on our behalf in your presence, pleading

our case with sighs too deep for words.  Why should we ever be fearful again,

bolstered as we are by our Savior’s entreating love?  May our time together find us strengthened to re-enter the fray of human suffering and conflict, secure in knowing that, while we were still sinners, Jesus died to show us the lengths to which you go to demonstrate your love for all your wandering, broken children.  We appeal to you in words he taught us, saying …*                                                        - inspired by Hebrews 9

Prayer of Confession                                                                                           

Forgive us, Lord, for dodging your warning to beware the small minds and huge egos

of religious experts. Jesus’ caricature still holds sway, his portrait of sad little self-important functionaries strutting about in long clerical robes, desperate to be greeted with honor in the marketplace. As we lurch perilously forward amidst ominous

economic rumblings and earnest, prophetic calls for fiscal sanity, have mercy on our refusal to learn from past mistakes and bad religion. Amen.             - inspired by Mark 12

Assurance of Pardon                                                                                         

Hear the good news: Just as when Jesus sat opposite the collection box in the temple treasury observing how the crowd gave their money, so even now he notes the spirit  of our giving more than the amount. Teach us your way, O Lord, the way of sacrificial giving Jesus commended in the poor widow who “from her hopeless poverty gave everything she had, even what she needed to live on,” whereas so many religious folk then and now “are giving out of their spare change.” Thanks be to God for the generosity of UBC’s beloved community and the  missions-based ministry our giving undergirds.*                                                                                                    - inspired by Mark 12

Thought for a Sabbath: “What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”                        - Mother Teresa